Friday, October 7, 2011

Demise of a Legend

All those who know me will automatically tell you that I am NOT an Apple-maniac. Quite the opposite really, I have always held this modern day computer elitist oligarchy at an arm's  length and looked upon their products with unfeigned disdain. I never have and never will own an Apple product as I have always found them to be lacking in power. Yes, sure they look good, but being the staunch supporter I am of the open - source revolution, I can never bring myself to align with the Apple overlords. Yet, now that Steve Jobs has left the earthly plane and many open - source fanatics the world over are celebrating his demise, I can't help but acknowledge that he was a great man who brought about a revolution worth noting. A digital toast if you will to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who forever changed the modern - day computer bringing to us the first personal computers and the first GUI based computers mice and all.

May rest in the peace he so desperately sought while still attached to the mortal coil.

He truly was a legend both in life and now in death who championed the need for aesthetically pleasing clutter - free electronics with an easy to use interface, which at some point of time far in the past also held cutting edge technology backed up with an OS to be proud of.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this on my iPhone....which has helped me immensely in adapting to Japan. RIP Steve Jobs, and Thank You.
