Saturday, September 10, 2011

Clash of the Titans : Social Networks do not Socialize

In a post-orkut, facebook dominated world, google+ is still struggling to find it's own identity. While twitter has dug deep into its fortified niche, google+ is slowly being relegated to the ranks occupied by myspace, etc. In this story of death before birth, one must wonder, is google really the future of the internet ? If google+ really wants to take the offensive in the battle of the social networks, it must define itself first as formal (such as LinkedIn) or informal before moving on to the intricate details that will funnel traffic into it. With an increasing number of apps accessing the internet and retrieving data for the user and google's all-too-intrusive collection of user data to "refine" searches, people are turning to other avenues of using the internet. While google strives to perfect android and ChromeOS, they have failed to notice the shift of users away from google. After all, people flock to a free service and leave even faster ! If google wishes to truly dominate the computing world, they will need to make a move to capture it now and monopolize it through consolidated effort much like microsoft did so many years ago. [Before you ask, yes this post did start out with a focus on social networking and ended in the mad scientist type rambling about world domination ! :D]

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