Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Germany has done it !

Germany, one of the techno-hubs of the world and one of two "Research and Development (R&D)" world capitals (the other is Japan) has finally done it ! This mecca for engineering student is setting standards that only a scarce few could dare to dream about !

After the Fukushima nuclear tragedy in Japan, Germany took the initiative to avoid the use of civilian nuclear energy completely by phasing out all of their nuclear power plants with at least 35% of their power coming from renewable sources ! Not only are they well on track to achieve what was perceived as the ludicrous ravings of a nation gone mad, they are ahead of schedule. According to the German Association of Energy and Water Industries, the share of power generated from renewable sources has soared up to an all time high of 20% !
Wind power was the dominant source supplying 20.7 billion kWh (7.5 percent of total production) of the 57.3 billion kWh provided by renewable sources in the first six months of 2011, followed by biomass with 15.4 billion kWh (5.6 percent), photovoltaic solar with 9.6 billion kWh (3.5 percent), hydroelectric with 9.1 billion kWh (3.3 percent, and waste and other sources providing 2.2 billion kWh (0.8 percent). The most considerable jump registered solar power, increasing by 76 percent over 2010. To achieve this end, the German Federal Government decided not to cut subsidies for private solar-power generation as was initially planned.

Hats off to this enterprising German nation and their modern day miracle !

Now, some of you might be thinking that this was possible because Germany is a rich nation with deep pockets to pull from and make huge renewable energy projects. The truth is quite the opposite. Though Germany earns more than any other European nation, it is far from being rich. It is in fact one of the poorest in Europe. Only in 2010, 20 years after the re-unification of Germany, were they finally able to pay off the war reparations of the 1st World War with the interest owed. Even now, they are paying off the war reparations to all the allied countries the war reparations of world war 2. They will have to continue doing so for many years to come but I have full faith that they will be able to do so soon. Well, I hope so anyway.

Perhaps the reason why both Japan and Germany are so amazing at Research and Development is the fact that it is easy to earn from technology. They are forced to pay war reparations and it is this necessity to earn or fall apart that provides them with the drive to excel.

What ever may be their motivations, I hope to keep seeing engineering ingenuity from them for years to come.

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